High wellhead pressure > How to reduce oil wellhead pressure?

Remote or mature wells face high wellhead pressure to reach the main process facilities. This translates into accelerated wear on downhole ALS or into restricting the oil production in case of natural flowing wells.

It is possible to increase your production or to increase your artificial lift run life ( if any ALS) by installing a boosting system nearby.

This pumping system transfers the full well stream of liquids and gas to a gathering center or central process facility, avoiding the need to separate the fluid into multiple streams in the field; and thereby reducing the capital  costs of in-field processing and associated infrastructure for mature field or new wells.

The  effluent features potentially multiphase flow that PCP are well known to convey reliably.

Reduce high wellhead pressure

Increase the production of your natural flowing wells

Lowering the high back pressure with a booster pump will provide incremental production to draw the most from your asset with a rig-less solution.


Increase your artificial lift downhole pump run life

Asking your downhole pump to lift and transfer against high pressure is costly and  put unnecessary stress on your ALS resulting in lower efficiency, lower reliability and consequently lower MTBF. The surface booster pump will simply tackle all the back-pressure.


  Know more about PCM multiphase booster solution